Services Overview


Relationship Counseling

Relationships can be hard. Relationships with family like parents, siblings or children. Friendships and romantic relationship also carry many challenges if there are disagreements. Also, relationships change as you get older and sometimes to help improve the health of your most valued relationships, it helps to see a professional that can guide and provide insight.

individual Counseling

Adulting is a word that many look forward to and then are surprised by the responsibilities that this word includes. Adults face different responsibilities at different times during adulthood. This may be complicated by depression, anxiety, adjustments, traumas and losses. Hope and a Future is here to listen and support you during this tine.

Career Counseling

A dream is something you think about. A goal is something you achieve. Making decisions for your educational path and career choices can be overwhelming. Choices that are made even in middle school can affect the path you take. Opening your options, being aware of your choices and turning dreams into goals is the purpose of an educational consultant.

Life Coaching

Life Coach Career Counselor in Sarasota: Personal or Professional Help

There are times that you need a sounding board. Someone who is neutral yet able to take the information and help you sort through the options you have in deciding a career or life path. Coaching involves helping a person make life-improving actions to achieve their goals.

Parents & Families

Parenting is a “job” that can look different depending on your family situation. There are times getting a perspective on challenges faced in parenting is needed. This is true whether you are parenting biological children, stepchildren, children yours through adoption or parenting grandchildren.

Marriage Facilitation

Understanding the expectations, both spoken and unspoken we bring to marriage help us improve our relationships before the “I do’s” and after. The Symbis Assessment is a tool used to help couples understand themselves to improve communication in marriage.

— SYMbIS Certified pre Marriage facilitator