5 reasons to refer friends to try out a Life Coach or a Counselor

If you are a person who has had great experiences with a life coach or a counselor, you should definitely share this gold mine of value with others. The old stigma of going to a mental health professional is fading away, and more and more people are receiving the life changing benefits that working with a professional provide. Here are 5 reasons why you should share the joys and benefits of counseling:


1.     You know how much it has impacted your life and helped you. Sharing your positive experiences is NOT pressuring someone to do something they are not interested in, but rather, it inspires them to look at themselves and ask, “Is this something that could help me?”

2.     You never know what people are going through. There is always more to what meets the eye. If you were saved from depression by a mental health professional, then you should tell everyone around you about it. You may have people in your friend group that are going undiagnosed as severely depressed, and you recommending a really great LCSW or mental health professional could save their life.

3.     Everyone needs a helping hand to navigate the unsteady waters in life. Someone in your family or in your direct life path may be in search of help to make tough decisions. By you sharing your great experience on Facebook or in the family group chat about the life coach who has been helping you, this may be exactly what someone is looking for to better understand their next steps in life.

4.     When you find a good thing – you should always share! Whether it’s that great new restaurant in town, a Chiropractor that fixed the kink in your neck, or a really awesome Licensed Clinical Social Worker who helped you develop a plan 

5.     If you are a believer in the value of the mental health industry, then help us in spreading the word! Even though the negative stigma of caring for your mental health is fading away, our industry still needs the support of the community that sees its value.