Overcoming Back to School Anxiety

Going back to school can be filled with excitement about seeing friends again and learning new things. However, we have been living through challenging times in our world which can bring a mixture of feelings. Corona Virus has impacted our communities and way of life for two years now, and for some people, the thought of going back to school may bring up fears and concerns – for good reason. 


Here are four tips to overcome the back to school blues, recommended by a mental healthcare professional:

1.     Get into a routine. Since many students have been studying from home for so long, the hardest thing to do is get back into the swing of things. It helps to buy a planner or use an organization app. There are also many YouTube videos that you can watch where people demonstrate their morning routines and time management plans.

2.     Remove negative self-talk. One of the best things you can do to overcome back to school anxiety is to change your attitude about going back to school. Start looking in the mirror and saying positive things about yourself. Acknowledge your feelings if you are afraid of something, but then frame that situation by stating how you can overcome that which gets you down.

3.     Stick with people who celebrate you. Seek out people to surround yourself with who enjoy your company. When your "friends" are not happy you are around, it will stunt your growth in the friend group and not allow you to blossom and thrive as the person you are meant to be. This is also a life lesson we should always consider no matter how old we are.

4.     Approach tasks one at a time. Something that can be extremely stress invoking is when you become overwhelmed. Avoid this feeling by completing one task at a time and not thinking about everything as a whole.


We hope that you and your family and friends stay safe now and throughout the entire school year.


If you live in Florida and need support for your anxiety going back to school or need a career counselor, then contact Hope and Future Counseling Services for a free consultation.


Click Here to contact us

Rebekah Jenkins