Know More About Life Counseling

It is often said, “Life is what happens when you’re making plans.”  Life is a path.  Sometimes that path seems straight, but more often there are bumps in the road.  Those bumps at times are more like mountains. The path can have roads jetting from it that can lead in different directions. 

Those side paths may be good, but they can also feel like dead ends.  Other times that can feel like a circle and you feel like you keep going around and around and have difficulty figuring out how to get out of the circle and back on the path.  Then there are the times where we can feel like we end up in the same hole over and over again.  It does not get us where we want to end up, but it is comfortable.  We get used to it.  It is familiar. 

Let’s face it, change is not comfortable.  You have a way of doing things whether it is the way you get ready in the morning or the way you do your job, or the way you interact with others. So, unless something is more uncomfortable than changing, you’re not gong to change…..even if what you’re doing isn’t working for you.

That is when you need to realize that being uncomfortable with something in your life is a good thing, because that’s when you will make changes.