How a Counselor can help Parents improve the relationship with their teen

The teenage years are some of the most shaping ones of our lives. Hormones, puberty, friendships and first loves – it can come with some serious twists and turns. Not only is this difficult to navigate for young people, but this can be one of the most challenging times of a child’s development for parents. 


When a young girl or boy enters into the teenage years, they begin a process of separating themselves fully from their parents. This is a natural process where a young person is learning the basic skills needed to take care of themselves in preparation for the day they move out and do not need 24/7 support and care of their parents or guardians. However, this can sometimes mean rebellion, arguments, acting out, strong wills, disobedience, lack of respect, or even a combination of multiple things. 


Even the best parents can experience some of these situations with their teenage children. However, it is very important that during this phase the teen learns proper coping mechanisms and habits to set them up on the right track for a positive future. One of the best things to do when there is friction like this in a teenager’s home is to be taken in and be seen be a caring mental health professional. Someone that is an adult and can give constructive feedback and support to help them – especially if they are not willing to listen or talk to their own parents.


A mental health professional can provide emotional, psychological and social support for the parents and the teenager. This can be extremely helpful to navigate the needs of both parents and teens, so they feel like they are being heard and that there is hope for their relationship. This mental health professional is a beacon of hope and can be a soft place to land for people’s emotional well-being. 


A professional can also help navigate through one of life’s most difficult phases. Teenage years can come filled with extreme highs and lows like a roller coaster. An even better depiction of this stage in life is like walking on a trail in the woods at night without a lantern. You are taking every step carefully but really have to use your gut to make the best decision about where the heck you are even going. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker or Psychotherapist comes along and lights a candle in the darkness. This mental health professional provides light in the direction of where you have described that you wish to go, and you walk together to get there. 


If you know of any teens or parents who are in this challenging time of life, please forward this article to them! 


Susan Henry Blackburn has been working with families and relationship healing over the past 30+ years and offers mental health services and Christian counseling in Sarasota, FL. She also provides Telehealth to anyone living in the state of Florida in need of life coaching, relationship counseling or even individual counseling. Contact her for a free consultation by clicking the link: 


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