Why more people should embrace Telehealth in the time of a Pandemic

The world has been shut down for over a year now. Things have never been this way in any of our lifetimes and it has been challenging times for all of us. Especially when talking about mental health. Being forced to stay indoors, not be around loved ones, fear of infection (or infecting the ones we love), family and/or friends dying from this virus and trying to deal with that grief, attempting to remain positive and nurture our current relationships, and so much more “fill in the blank…”. 


Many businesses have turned to video conferencing to allow employees to stay home and prevent the spread of the virus. Doctor’s offices have turned to telehealth to see patients and prescribe much needed medicines. Universities are giving lectures 100% online and musicians are giving performances via social media networks and streaming sites. The world is adapting and becoming digital and the mental health industry is not any different.


Susan Henry Blackburn offers Telehealth counseling sessions to anyone in the state of Florida. These sessions last up to 1 hour and can help people to clear their minds and release any negativity bogging them down. Talking with a Licensed Clinical Social worker can help improve your mental health and your quality of life.


Never feel like you don’t have access to much needed mental health therapy because of the circumstances of our world today. Susan Blackburn wants everyone to know that they have options. No one should feel like they are struggling alone and do not have the resources they need to get help – there is so much available today in the digital era! Below are some of the services Susan Blackburn offers via Telehealth to people living in Florida:


Individual Counseling

Relationship Counseling

Academic Planning

Blending Families


The benefits of choosing Telehealth include: mental health improvement, convenience of therapy sessions in the comfort of your home, not having to be exposed to any viruses, flexible time slots, and getting the help you need when you need it.


Help us spread the word about the benefits and availability of Telehealth mental health services. Not only our services of counseling in Florida, but everywhere! You never know who may be really needing to talk with a professional and get much needed help.


To contact Susan about telehealth in Florida and receive a free consultation – click the button below:


Contact Hope and A Future Counseling Services